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美国派18中英双字720P,只要中英双语字幕,谢谢!5分!高清!http :/ /w ww .2 tu .cc/s ear ch.asp 希望采纳 里面全多有

西红柿鸡蛋汤的做法中英双语Tomato and Egg Soup主料西红柿1个 鸡蛋2个 洋葱少许 蒜2瓣The main 1 tomatoes 2 egg 2 cloves of garlic a little onion辅料花生油20g 水500g 盐1茶匙 胡椒粉少许Accessories peanut oil 20g water 500g salt 1 tsp pepper a little西红柿鸡蛋汤的做法Practice of tomato and egg soup1.番茄。

初三毕业留言 中英双语It is good to have you my friends, even in hell. 拥有你,我的朋友,是件美好的事,就算是身在地狱。。。(暗指初三的黑暗岁月。。。) You my friends are angels who lift me to my feet when my wings have trouble remembering how to fly. 当我的翅膀损坏忘记怎么去飞,我的朋友你,就像天使带。

求一篇中英双语的财经类文章( 直接给我, 注明出处, 不要给我一个网站。.问题补充:简单的意思是口语化一点,期望字数再多一点(150+)感谢— —Xun is an ancient porcelain windinstrument. Most of Xuns is made FROM