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哪个网站的汉译英翻译比较准确 急急

  • 网站
  • 2024-09-10 10:33:52
  • 544

一小段文字汉译英,翻译软件直接翻译错误比较多,希望各位能帮忙改。If time goes back for more than 100 years,basically there will always be such a trend.For example,around 1950, the sunspots were not frequent at all, Henan encountered flood. Even 30 years ago, it was a silent year for the sun,but Henan encountered drought. On the contrary, when the sun e。

急!!!求翻译,汉译英,拒绝软件、网站翻译!!!要求准确表情达意即可,谢谢。This pavilion is the ruins of Haeinsa temple . In the eleventh years of Ming Dynasty Wanli period , practiced moral culture growed the soul in the Wutai Mountain in Shanxi .He saw it when studying the Sutra that the Buddha Cave in the East China Sea had been recorded as a region inhabited。


有没有整句汉译英的网站?google 翻译,,有时也别总句在那里翻译,不准确的

汉译英:翻译成英文,用在线翻译感觉不怎么准确吖,谢谢了He sighed with sorrow and then told us that he had also been somebody in his early years.He is a person with a strong sense of responsibility and this is why he has been chosen in charge of the programme.Wherever you go,for bussiness or just for fun,it's always a good idea to know 。

最准确的在线英语翻译网站是哪个?ICIBA网 或者你下载一个谷歌金山词霸合作版, 很好用. 也很准. 谷歌单纯的翻译不准, 你可以适当的把句子"拆开"分割一下再查就准多了.

哪个网站翻译英文准确些机器翻译都不是很准确 目前国内 有 :有道 金山词典 51 翻译助手 国际上有:谷歌 格林斯

谷歌汉译英句子或短文翻译准确么?明确的告诉你 不准确.原因,这个软件基本上都是把一些单词直接翻译过来,不大会像人一样考虑具体情况,比如词组,句式结构之类的东西,所以短句子可能还凑合.但是只要一长,那翻译出来的可就好看了,像外星语根本就是乱七八糟.所以还是自己一个个单词查询意思之后,自己好好翻译或者。