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易梓炫翻译英文名是什么?「易梓炫」的英文名翻译与拼音相同为:Yi, Zixuan (英文文法中,当姓氏在名字前会以逗号做区别)一般介绍自我是先说名「梓炫」再说姓氏「易」:Zixuan Yi (名字写在姓氏前则无需逗号)想自己另取一个有谐音的英文名可以考虑:Zed, Sean, Shawn

小松挖机的英文翻译怎么说1、 如果是代理日本挖机品牌 卡特日立小松的挖机,则翻译为: Komatsu digging machine2、 如果是国产挖机品牌,则翻译为: Xiaosong digging machine当然,如果挖机是多功能型的大型挖机,你还可以用excavator 代替digging machine希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O

急需 翻译英文感谢信March 05,2009 Dearx xxx, How are you?We have received your gifts with many thanks on March 4,including 2 bags of candy,1 toy,3 trousers, 4 photos, 3 socks, 3 jackets and 1 joined clothes. Thank you very much for caring for these children as we also hope they will grow up more happily a。

证明函的英文翻译Letter of ProofLetter of TestimonyLetter of VerificationCertification Letter

我是多余的翻译英文名?我是多余的,意思就是没有人想要我;所以可以译为:Nobody wants me. 或者直译,I'm the unwanted one. 因为这句话中文表达的是一种悲观失落的情绪,而extra之类的比较中性,表达的是多出来的、额外的,那个意思,完全不是句子要表达的意思,只有unwanted 能够表达出中文的情绪。

雨英文翻译是rain 雨分很多种drizzle, torrential rain, downpour, thunderstorm, storm。

帮忙翻译成英文天涯网站《赖宝日记》) My father asked me what was my pursuit for life. When I answered, "Wealth and beauties", he hit me hard. When I answered, "career and romance", he caressed my head gently. (Reader, 19th issue, 2007, Diary of Laibao) (三)后来,我明显地开。